Tuesday 5 November 2013

* C r i m e *

   I think Calgary is a safe city. However, I think my hometown is safer than Calgary because Calgary's downtown has a lot of many homeless people. I'm a night owl, so I like to wander from street to street at night. One day, I went downtown with my friend at night. However, one homeless person came up to us and asked us for 10$. We said we don't have any cash. Suddenly, the homeless swore at us. We felt scared. My hometown's homeless generally avoid people, but Calgary's homeless don't avoid people and they sometimes ask some money or some foods. I think to protect myself from becoming a victim isn't to walk around at night. If you meet homeless, you had better avoid them.


  1. I think so!!! Calgary has too many homeless peoples.

  2. We shouldn't walk alone in downtown at night.
    But let's go to pub again!!! haha

  3. I think most homeless people in Calgary are harmless, but there are a few aggressive ones at night. I think it's a good idea to avoid areas where lots of homeless people hang out.

    One day, I went downtown with my friend at night.

    However, one homeless person came up to us and asked us for $10.
