Monday 14 October 2013

* S p r i n g *

My favorite season is spring. There are several reasons, the first is warm weather. I don’t like cold weather and hot weather. Second, in spring, everything is fresh and vivid. The sun is bright in the sky and trees come into bud. Also, the fields and hills are clothed in fresh verdure. Therefore, there are so many things you can do outside with your friends. For example, you can go on a picnic with your lunch box. Finally, all kinds of flowers bloom in the spring. I enjoy going out flower-viewing, especially cherry blossom. I went to cherry blossom viewing every year. I can’t wait for spring to come. For all these reasons, I think spring is the best season of year.


  1. Jamie! I want to go to see cherry blossoms together some day!!

  2. I heard a lot of these famous cherry blossoms, I want to know about them some day

  3. I like spring. But I don't like cherry blossom.

    1. I see, because you haven't a girlfriend T_T

  4. Me too!! I like spring and flower-viewing!! I want to go flower-viewing in Korea!!

  5. You organized your ideas very well here. I like that you used lots of transition words. I like spring as well, but unfortunately in Calgary spring tends to be very cold and wet!

    There are several reasons; the first is warm weather. (We'll study semi-colons later in the course!)

    I enjoy going out flower-viewing, especially cherry blossoms.
