Sunday 20 October 2013

* M i l l i o n a i r e *

 If I was a millionaire, there would be many things to do but I would live my life that I really want to. Thus, I’d like to achieve my dream. First, I’m going back home in Korea, so I would plan to build a skyscraper for rent in Seoul. The building that was built would be leased, and I would deposit the rental cost in my bank account. Second, I would buy a great house for my family. Also, I would give some pocket money to them every month. Moreover I would pay my younger brother’s all university tuition. Third, I would go on a trip around the world with my boyfriend, especially trip to Europe. I would go from very famous places to the unknown but awesome places. When I travel a country, I’d like to experience various cultures of the country and to enlarge my experience. Finally, I would contribute my money to UNICEF regularly. Because many people are happy, I think I would be able to be happy.


  1. Congratulation!!! It's very good that you thinks to contribute in an organization for helps people, and its very good that you help your brother to pay his university.

  2. Europe is a great place to visit. I would definitely recommend traveling by train and visiting cities like London, Paris, Zurich and Berlin. With $10 million, you could stay in five-star hotels everywhere. :)

    Moreover, I would pay all of my younger brother’s university tuition.

    When I travel to a country, I’d like to experience various cultures of the country and to broaden my horizons.
